Title: The Fascinating World of Bioluminescence Bioluminescence, the natural phenomenon of organisms producing light, illuminates the depths of our oceans, forests, and even our own curiosity. This captivating display of nature's creativity serves both as a survival...
The Great Wall Of China
Title: The Remarkable Story of the Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China stands as one of the world's most iconic architectural marvels, a testament to human ingenuity, determination, and the desire to protect and unify. Spanning over 13,000 miles (21,196...
Rest In Peace HLDO Country Director
with fondness and gratitude for his immense contributions to our organization and the lives he touched. Mr. Sang Ro Thuama's legacy will forever remain intertwined with the very fabric of HLDO's journey and achievements. As a founding member and Country Director, Mr....
UNFPA 2023 Report
Provision of life saving sexual and reproductive health services, gender–based violence response and mental health and psychosocial support Narrative Report Introduction The GBV (Gender-Based Violence), SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), PSEA...
Medical gears provided to Rikhawdar station hospital in Chin state
Rikhawdar, May 12 A ceremony to hand over medical gears by Hualngo Land Development Organaization-HLDO and Christian Aid to the station hospital in the town of Rikhawdar in Chin state was held at the station hospital this morning. At the ceremony, Rikhawdar town...
Rihkhawdar Sii-inn Ah Hualngo Land Development Organization Nih Ultra Sound An Hlut Hna (FALAM)
Rihkhawdar Sii-inn Ah Hualngo Land Development Organization Nih Ultra Sound An Hlut Hna August 1, 2019 0 Rihkhawdar tlangkomh siizung (Taih-ne sii-inn) ah Hualngo Land Development Organization (HLDO) nih ngakchia nu pawchung um mi zohnak (Ultra Sound)...